leeds camra Code of conduct

To ensure the enjoyment and safety of all in attendance at events and activities organised by Leeds CAMRA, and for those who come into contact with Leeds CAMRA during these activities, Leeds CAMRA operates a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination.


Leeds CAMRA will not tolerate any form of discrimination on any grounds including, but not limited to, gender, sexuality, race, religion or belief, social class, health, age or disability.


Discrimination may be verbal, non-verbal, or physical. It may be explicit or implicit. Leeds CAMRA defines discrimination as treating an individual or individuals differently based on one or more of the factors listed above.


Discrimination includes derogatory references to individuals or groups who may not be attending a CAMRA activity.




Activity – An activity includes, but is not limited to, branch meetings and branch socials.

Attendee – This is someone who participates in a Leeds CAMRA branch activity.

Responsible Person – this is a designated person who is a point of contact at branch activities. The name of the Responsible Person will be provided in the activity listing, and they will introduce themselves to those attending at each activity.


Attendee Well-being


We will always seek to protect those attending any activity in the event of any form of discrimination or concern for safety; if anyone feels unsafe at any point, they should alert the Responsible Person immediately who will find a safe space and ensure the attendees well-being.


If an attendee feels unable to alert the Responsible Person, in the first instance they should alert any member of the Leeds CAMRA Committee who is in attendance.


Where an attendee is a victim of discrimination inside a venue, the Responsible Person will report this to the venue's management for appropriate action to take place.


At the discretion of the Attendee, any offence may be reported to the Police.


The Well-being of Others


Attendees are expected to act in a respectful and well-behaved manner towards other attendees, as well as any other people they come in to contact with during an activity.


At the discretion of the Responsible Person, or a member of the Leeds CAMRA Committee, if it is felt an attendee is behaving in a discriminatory or otherwise unacceptable way towards other people, regardless of whether they are participating in the activity or not, then that attendee will be asked to leave the activity.


Any offence may be reported to CAMRA via the national complaint’s procedure and also to the Police.




If you would like to get in touch about this code of conduct, please email chairman@leeds-camra.com.

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